Sunday, October 23, 2011

Del Mar Harvest Festival

Del Mar Harvest Festival

My LO was distracted by the 10 foot Cowboy

So amidst all this Vi Peeling I decided to visit the Del Mar Harvest Festival (thanks to the SDMomfia for the free tickets), I was able to take a few pictures after I picked up my "official" badge that proclaimed that I was a blogger  #Proud. Here's a brief recap of the day:

Our FIRST stop was Greyhounds 2 Go :( Sadly I didn't get any pictures with these great doggies, my LO had to pet each and every one of these gentle souls and they were just lovers... So tempted to take one home with me, when I explained that we didn't have a big yard they told me that one 20 minute walk is all that these retired race dogs need each day (hmm... could I hide it from my husband??) .. soo soo tempting! Completely sweet natured dogs- show their cause some love, they're San Diego local too!

Our second stop was Anthem's "Bring Back Recess"
They had all these little stations set up where you could do different "recess" activities, my personal favorite was sticking the pretend food in the giant wooden man belly (see the propped up man in the background). There were tons of kids jumping rope, playing 4square and dancing to music, we of course had to join! When you entered they gave you this little stamp card and for each area you completed you got a stamp, when you were done you turned the card in and they donated $1 the Boy and Girls Club :). We got our $1 donated, although the LO had a few issues with the hula hooping and jump rope (she got her Mommies skills... and she's 2).

Thanks for the fun times! It was great to see all those kids exercising and parents having fun too!

Right outside Blue Shield we ran into Mama's Kitchen, this fun young man was sporting his "I'm a Mama's Boy" sticker which I of COURSE loved!!


Love Mama's Kitchen.

GREAT volunteer-driven nonprofit organization that provides meals to those affected by AIDS and other critical illnesses. They are selling holiday pies, DELICIOUS looking, temptingly affordable, and delivered to your local Wells Fargo pies. For $20 you can get an apple, pumpkin, pecan or no-sugar-added apple pie PLUS when you buy the pie you provide 6 meals to those in need... Those calories never tasted so good!!!

Seriously folks, this Thanksgiving cut your cooking time, order your pies and give some very deserving people something to be thankful for.. YOU!
P.S. Did I mention EVERY time you buy a pie you get entered to win a 64GB Ipad 2?? oh yea.. thats sweet too..

They're on facebook too

Next up I hit "dip alley" and probably gained 20 lbs, soooooo sooo many delicious dips and fondues and spreads and dips and and and... well you get the idea! It was a taste testers dream!! I couldn't leave without tasting a couple (10+) and of course buying some nuts.

This is his smile.

This booth caught my eye- ALL their nuts are grown in California (see California IS full of nuts! LOL), Chico California to be exact. I really dug thier home grown small business feel and had to get some to take back to the fam in the midwest- my Dad is nut fantatic and their Sizzlin BBQ or Wasabi infused almonds may just tempt his tastebuds.

This place is HARD to track down on the internet, they really are a little family owned ranch and I just LOVE LOVE that, reminds me of the good ole days on my Grandpa's ranch in the midwest, visit their nut farm here 

10 foot Cowboy's biggest little fan

And on to my LO's favorite attraction, the cowboy on stilts. I have NO idea what attracted her to him, have NO idea... I would think this would terrify my munchkin.. as in RUN AWAY giant man in chaps and spurs.... but no, she followed him around until after 1 balloon butterfly and 1 balloon bear later, I had to tear her away (he also made balloon animals??!! seriously can you come to my next party?). The entertainment was fantastic, live (very appropriate) music, jugglers and well.. just a really good feeling.

I should mention the crafts, since they were the main attraction right? HUGE HUGE selection, I think their boast of 24,000 is ... conservative... It was overwhelming, you need a day or possibly multiple days to see it all.

Pros: great craft selection, fun and FREE entertainment, delicious samples, paying for 1 day gets you in for all 3!, great family atmosphere

Cons: paying for parking :(

Would I go again next year?? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! Next time I'll bring my girlfriends but definitely not leave the LO at home- she LOVED it.

Harvest Fest Lovin Momma...

P.S. I received NOTHING free for this, I'm recommending these businesses/locations and this event because I liked them.. that's it... nothing more ..

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