Friday, February 10, 2012

YoKids Coupons and FREE Seeds!

Everyone is going Lorax crazy!

I guess not just Target but also YoKids

for FREE YoKids coupons plus seeds (of some Suessical kinda) to plant!

We are a on a big "planting" kick at my house so Im super excited about this!


Plantin' and Growin' Mommma

P.S.This is NOT my image, it belongs here

Free Dr. Suess Story Time @ Target

I can't wait for the Lorax movie! Guess the people at Target can't either because they are hosting this AWESOME
FREE (my favorite)
At Target stores nationwide from 9:00-11:00 for a live reading, free goody bags, activties and MORE!

See you there!

Seussical Silly Mind-expanding Momma

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Big Winner! Disney Movie Codes!

Congrats to the Big WINNER!
Melissa L
You won 2 Disney Movie Magic Codes!!

Stay tuned for some more great giveaways :) There's 12 days of FREE Chick-Fil-A coming your way with the new blog launch later this month...
Melissa you will get a Facebook message with the codes

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

3 FREE Bagels tomorrow at Brueggars!

Just "like" Brueggars Bagels on Facebook and go get your 3 FREE bagels tomorrow!!


Free Baby Carrier: Seven Slings Strikes again!

Hello All!
I've posted about these guys, MANY many MANY times, but just FYI in case you haven't already heard from me:
Get a FREE Baby sling from Seven Slings
Just enter promo code VALENTINE
You can use this code multiple times (per their instructions, just open a new window)
You just pay shipping, which is around $11
AWESOME baby shower gift!!!


Sling baby Momma

P.S. The image is from Seven Slings and I in no way profit from this post or are being paid to post by Seven Slings or any partner companies

Join and get $15 for FREE!

then enter
code and get $15 off your order of $30!

P.S. When you place an order you will get FREE shipping for the next hour.. boy they are tricksy
SOMETIMES you get $15 free JUST for joining YAY!! By the way, this is the deal site formerly know as Buy with me :( so sad to see it go!

Deal shopping Momma

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

FREEBIE: Giveaway Disney Movie Magic Codes!

We watch Disney..
a LOT of Disney..
and grandparents, they watch Disney too..
a LOT of Disney

Which means I get quite a few of those Disney Movie Magic Codes (when you buy any Disney movie there are little pieces of paper in them with codes for points- SAVE those! and enter them online at Disney Movie Rewards )

*GOLDEN SAVING TIP: If you have movies that DID NOT have those codes in them for some reason you can contact Disney Movie Rewards to get replacement codes

So we have a 2 duplicate movie codes and are GIVNG THEM AWAY!!

Like A Ordinary Mommy on facebook
and share (to show some love) then comment on facebook
and you are entered!

I'm ending this contest FAST! LIKE SUPER DUPER FAST!

Contest ends Thursday 2/9/12
at 6:00 am PST

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Free Valentine's Day Card + Free Shipping

Sorry its been so long!!! But to make it up to you how about a free Valentine treat??

Enter code 10KPEOPLE

1. Choose your card
2. Personalize

Then check out! You cant enter the code until its time to pay, then you will get both the free card and shipping! ACT FAST! Only the first 10,000 get it!!

HAVE to thank Hip2Save Momma for the heads up on this- she is FANTASTIC! Check out her site here!!

Smiling Heart